Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sonar Was So Nuts

Sonar. Was. So. Nuts.

Sonar is a music festival in Barcelona that takes place over three days. Sonar by Day rocksthe open air in downtown Barcelona, and Sonar by Night booms in a massive convention center on the outskirts of the city. With six stages during the day and four stages at the night, Sonar is host to over 100 artists, both popular and experimental.

Around midnight, festival goers from around the world flock to the massive building that houses Sonar by Night.

The best acts of night had to be LCD Soundsystem, 2manydjs, Flying Lotus, and the Sugar Hill Gang. This is my fav vid of the night - I LOVE YOU 2MANYDJSS:

-front row is always better-

AND THERE WERE BUMPER CARS! They may have been yelling at me in Spanish, but its' pretty easy to understand "Get the f*** off of there!" in any language. Managed to snap a pic of my escape!

After a long night of dancing and lots of red bull, I wasn't ready to leave, but alas, as the last dj left the stage, it was time to wander home. Thank you Sonar for a night full of whimsical craziness and ridiculous music.

Look >>> More Sonar Pictures

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I know you might think a hostel is about as sketchy as being alone on a dark street in south Tucson thanks to this gem of a movie:

But really, no need to worry about your toes getting snipped off staying in any hostel. In reality, hostels are a breeding ground for young travelers ready to make bffs, exchange travel stories, and drink too many bottles of cheap wine. PLUS, you get over any concerns of sketchiness when you discover how ridiculously inexpensive hostels are; I didn't spend much over 20 euro on a single night.

Hostel in Venice
In case you've never been, let me explain an average hostel. A hostel is comprised of many rooms full of bunk beds: some may have two beds, some may have ten beds.

Lindsey in a hostel room
The room you get depends on how much you're willing to spend; personally I'd rather stay in a
room with 9 other random people and still have euros left over to tour the Doge's palace the next day. In most places, there are community bathrooms that are less than sanitary at best. There is also a big common area to hang, meet people, and, if you´re lucky, get on the internet.

Yummmm Breakfast
In the morning, most places have a free breakfast in the common area; that is, if you consider a bread roll and a packet of nutella breakfast. Nonetheless, free food is free food. Dry bread has never tasted so good! (Nutella makes everything yummy)

In all honesty, hostels are amazing. You will learn to love all of their imperfections, and if not, you will learn to adapt. When life hands you dry rolls, head to the pasteria down the street and buy a 50 cent chocolate criossant. 

Canadian Hostel Homeboys

Anyway, Sonar on Friday, so I'm listening to some Sonar jams:

Monday, June 14, 2010

Wide Eyed Wonder

Most travel blogs start at the beginning of a trip, but the last thing I wanted was to be stuck behind a computer screen while I could be out exploring. (Ok, so maybe I procrastinated..shoot me!) Here I am now though, three weeks later, trying to muffle the loud clicking of the keyboard while my roommate is sleeping three feet from me in our cramped Barcelona apartment.

Hmm. Where to begin? I should probably fill you in on what I've been doing and explain why I'm writing this blog. In the last three weeks, I traveled through Italy with friends and finally just settled in Barcelona for the summer.

I think, at a broad view, the purpose of this trip is to to see the world in a completely different way- to learn from new experiences with a refreshed sense of wide eyed wonder. That's why I'm writing about the lessons I learn, so I can share the takeaways that I find in life's adventures. Part photo blog, part music blog, part personal blog, and part everything else blog, I hope this blog will show you the world through a new lens.

I've had so many experiences that I'm absolutely dying write about, but that will have to wait for now. Sarah's endless flopping in the next bed is telling me I should probably call it a night. I'll leave you with a few images from the trip so far:

Barcelona Bound

Doge's Palace - Venice

Venice @ Sunset - sunset is always the best light

Listening to: : Over and Over - Hot Chip